The Abstract Art of Robert Mapplethorpe - Spring Art Exhibition Specialty Workshop

Selected date

Thursday, March 17

Selected time

10:30 AM  –  1:30 PM

Thursday & Friday


March 17 & 18 


10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 


Location: Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Downtown Sarasota Campus 

Class Fee: Members $110/Non-members $120 

Class Size: 20 Students 

Instructor: Clare Godleski 

Materials Fee: All supplies are included in class fee. 


Take inspiration from Mapplethorpe's floral photography to create abstract botanical art using papers hand-dyed with natural materials, learn linework techniques, mixed-media paintings and designs. Other art materials will be employed to create a 3-dimensional texture to enhance these dynamic expressions of still-life florals. Open to all ages/skill levels. All supplies included. 
